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What are the uses of pan card in applying passport?
0 Reply's, Recent Post by Ragini Mandal on 1/1/2019 10:13:02 AM

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Ragini Mandal
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What are the uses of pan card in applying passport?
1/1/2019 10:13:02 AM

I need to apply for the pan card to applying passport to work in USA. i am getting some of information and related aspects from online. I have stored some of information and related points in my mail id. Why pan card is important for applying passport? I am getting pan card with my name. But my date of birth is getting as wrong. Is it bigger mistake? Yes means how to change that? Tell me the ways and steps to follow for making changes in my pan card. I have got some of people reviews and guide from online. I need the proper assistance and supportive documents for take that action.

 I am learning some of information from the apply pan card online. In this link is given all details and information to me about applying pan card in easy way. And also guide for edit my information as already given in pan card. You can also use that website for applying as new and collect massive details also. More people are using that website for applying and cost is very low. I am using my passport for move to US for the purpose of getting job in that. I am getting more interest to work in India. But the job is available in US only. So what can i do.

I need to move US. I need to know more about the pan card. What is the various purpose of using pan card? What are the important details are given in pan card application? What are documents are needed for applying new pan card? If any changes are available means how to know about that? Duplicate pan card is possible to get in online. If you have lost the pan card means that new pan card is available in online. You can download with duplicate by the way of using log in details

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